
Dermaplaning is a gentle skincare procedure using a surgical scalpel to exfoliate the top layers of your skin and remove fine facial hair, leaving your complexion brighter and smoother. It's sometimes called a "scalpel facial" because it involves scraping off dead skin and hair with a scalpel blade, but no cuts are made. While dermaplaning is generally safe and painless, it should only be done by trained experts in a sterile environment.

Benefits of dermaplaning include:

  1. Smoother skin: By removing dead skin cells, dermaplaning leaves your skin feeling smoother, which is great for events like weddings or parties.

  2. Better product absorption: Exfoliating with dermaplaning helps skincare products penetrate deeper into the skin, making them more effective.

  3. Brighter complexion: Dermaplaning can reduce the appearance of fine lines, acne scars, and dark spots, giving you a brighter complexion.

  4. Hair removal: It also temporarily removes fine facial hair, which can trap dirt and oil on the skin.




Scarlet SRF